
The Enormous Elephant Run needs inspiring and motivated people to join our amazing team of volunteers to help make our Runs fun and enjoyable for everyone taking part.Sign up to be a volunteer

Set Up volunteers

You'll help us set up the event village so we are race ready. As its a physical role, you'll be on your feet and may have to do some (relatively heavy) lifting.

Course Steward volunteers

You'll cheer, high-five and direct our participants at designated points. It's a vital role and we're looking for team players who love to motivate others, and can use their initiative.

Event day volunteers

You'll be helping us with all areas and happy to help where is needed on the day, this could be setting up to start/finish line activities, including handing out water or medals. We're looking for proactive people with lots of enthusiasm and who want to help make a difference.

Raffle volunteers

You'll help to run our raffle, assisting with handing out raffle tickets to participants and taking cash donations. We’re looking for someone with great communication skills.

Finishing Line volunteer

You'll help to pack finisher's goody bags and be at the finish line ready to hand out medals, goody bags and water to the runners! We're looking for enthusiastic individuals with good communications skills.


We're looking for cheerleaders to cheer our runners through the finish line. Its an unpaid roles, perfect for enthusiastic people who want to give back and help our incredible herd.

Happy in any role?

There's an option for this too and we'll pop you where you are most needed for the Day.

All of our volunteers will receive a complimentary snazzy t-shirt, a snack and water when they arrive on the day of the event. Whatever your role, you'll be helping to make each Run a huge success and any time you can give us would be much appreciated. We need volunteers' help to pack down as well as set up, so don't worry if you can't make it for the start.

What support will you be given?

A member of the team will contact you around 1 month before the event to confirm your application and provide more details about your role on the day. Sign up to be a volunteer

Meet our volunteers